Nancy Haller - Biography

Nancy began ballet lessons at 3, in Pensacola, and continued her passion for dance in New York, University of Oklahoma and Atlanta Ballet. After marriage, she continued lessons back in Pensacola. She always wanted to be a Mama and teach dance. When her third child, was 6, she started teaching and eventually, choreographing musicals for local high schools and college. She loved creating dances for recitals and theatre productions.

So, fast forward to the pandemic in 2020. Teaching dance stopped. Since Nancy has always loved trees, she decided to paint one on a canvas with acrylic paint. Well, because she never could draw, she decided to try an abstract painting. She went to Michael’s and purchased several more canvases and paint and woke up every morning eager to create another abstract. She went on YouTube and found a whole new world of different artists showing their work. She produced over 100 paintings during Covid.

She loves to play with color and different styles of abstract art. She’s teaching dance again and is happy to be creating on canvas as well as the dance studio.


Barbara Allen